
Together Forever: Living with Threats

Published: 12:17 PM, April 18, 2022

Health threats will always emerge and evolve into something either  less dangerous or deadlier than ever and it is up to us on how we are going to live with them. 

Prioritizing ourselves equates with setting some boundaries from these threats. Their existence is not something we can control every time but the lifestyle we choose can make a difference in co-existing with them.

Through proper care for our health, these dangers can come close to us but they will have a hard time affecting us.

Here are some ways to live guarded against health threats

Wear a mask

Whether there’s a known threat spreading around or none, wearing a mask casually in public or crowded places will always be a great idea. Using a mask does not only protect but it can also save the life of others. It can prevent the spread of respiratory diseases. Masks help in blocking harmful pathogens from reaching the body. 

Get Vaccinated

Vaccines save lives and it took years of intensive studies for experts to come up with the best jabs against diseases.Vaccines also prevent illnesses from mutating into something more harmful which is essential in avoiding global health crises.  

Be considerate of others

Seeking help from medical professionals and not exposing anyone to you while you’re aware of your illness are keys in saving many lives. As there are people who are more susceptible to health complications, being responsible in managing our health equates with saving lives. 

Eat well and move

The quality of food  we take and the exercises we do  greatly influences our physical well-being. By consuming healthy food and working out daily, we absorb all the necessary nutrients and benefits that could boost our defenses against illnesses. 

Helping our immune system navigate a world full of threats is all about putting a balance of all these things in our lives. Speaking of balance, CM-Glucan is a natural immunomodulator that aids in the balancing of the immune system.

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